Wednesday, October 31, 2018

How to Send an Automatic Reply to WhatsApp messages from Android phones

How to Send an automatic reply to whatsapp messages

How to Send an Automatic Reply to WhatsApp messages from Android phones:

Facebook's proprietary app WhatsApp is a very popular messaging app. We are so busy, but we keep checking our Whatsapp appropriately, but sometimes it does not happen that you can not reply after being busy. So it is very easy to send an automatic reply to WhatsApp messages, which is possible in two ways with and without root your Android device. In this report, we will tell you how you can automate the reply of WhatsApp messages from your device in both ways.
Yes, it is quite fun to associate with WhatsApp. You have made many changes and tricks in WhatsApp but hardly heard about the automatic reply. You may have heard this word only for E-mail but this is possible even in Whatsapp and it is possible by using some apps.
All you have to write is the text that you want to send automatically. Your voids will send an automatic reply to the incoming messages on Messenger and you can customize those automatic reply as per your wish. Here we are going to refer to both methods that you can use to set automatic reply on your WhatsApp.

How to send an automatic reply to WhatsApp messages in Android?

The process is simple and straightforward and requires only two apps to download. One of these apps will be used for Rooted Android devices and the second app will be used for non-root Android devices and you will be able to set a custom message for your automatic reply.

Method 1: Setting automatic reply in non-rooted Android Devices -
This is a simple and straightforward process and you can use it only through 2 steps given below-

1. First of all, you need to download and install AutoResponder for WA - Auto Reply Bot, in your rooted Android. This is the app that will allow you to set a custom auto-answer on your app.

Here you can set custom responses to custom messages. Like "I am busy now and talk you later".

2. Once the message is set, you can click on the save option and then you can turn on the app so that automatic reply can be turned on and your automatic message is available to people.

Method 2: Set up an automatic reply in rooted Android Devices -
It's easy and you need an Android device. Make sure your device is rooted because the app will only work if your device is rooted properly.

1. First of all, you need to download and install the WhatsAuto - Auto Reply App in the rooted Android. From this app, you will be able to set up custom auto-replies

2. After downloading you need to provide root access and open the app. Whenever you are busy, turn on WhatsAuto - Auto Reply App and set a custom message, it will automatically respond to all incoming messages automatically.

3. You can select Turn On option and set the message that you want to send to all the incoming messages on your WhatsApp page.

So in this way you can automatically reply to your friends on WhatsApp. Hope you have got all this. Share with your friends if you like our post.

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