Saturday, August 4, 2018

Advantages And Disadvantages of Rooting an Android Phone. Should You Root Your Phone or Not?

Hi Friends,

Should you ROOT your Android phone or not?
So, if you want to root your new and expensive Android phone and you are in dilemma. There are many questions in your mind that have the advantages in doing root or losses. Through this post, we will try to answer those questions today.

We talk about the most basic question - what does it mean when someone says I have to root my phone?

Root the Android phone ....... what does this mean?

Rooting means easy privilege in Android, when you buy a new Android phone, you use the phone just like a guest user. Like a guest user uses windows, but you can not make any changes to the system files.

However, when you later root your phone, you can browse your Android's Root folder and make any changes to the system files on your phone. It means you have more authority to install powerful apps that can do everything that can not be done in non-rooted phones.

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Now we will talk about the properties and flaws of rooting Android phones. Let us first talk about the advantages of doing root.

Benefits of Rooting Android Phone:

Run Special Applications:

After you root the phone, you can use some special applications which can be used only in a Rooted phone. Rooted application has more features than any non rooted application.

With these special apps, you can make changes directly to android phone's files.

As such, you can also delete pre-installed system apps due to rooting.

Run Custom ROM's:

The biggest reason for Rooting the phone is that we can install the ROM that we want.

Performance from these custom ROMs is also accurate and it is also user-friendly.

Free Internal Storage:

People who have less internal memory in mobile can transfer their installed apps to external memory in Rooted mobile. This is a great advantage of Rooting There are so many online apps that you can do this with the help of you. But these apps will work only on Rooted phones.

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But this does not mean that Rooting has only advantages _____ it is also harmed with the benefit. Let's talk of Disadvantages.

Disadvantages of Rooting Your Android

So, let's talk about the loss ...

Your Phone Might Get Bricked:

It is not for demotivating you but suppose, some person tries to root his/her Samsung Note and that becomes brick and they went for 15-20 days in the service center.

Whether you have seen good video tutorial as you wish it is a daunting(difficult) task, if you miss any one step, then your installation process will get corrupted.

And if your phone is fully and semi-brick then you will have to go to the service center, and if the service center knows that your phone has got brick, then they will charge it (even if the phone is still in the warranty)

End up Phone's Warranty:

If your phone is rooted then your phone's service warranty will end.

The conclusion is that you should be well prepared before you root your phone, and think both the options (Root and Un-Root) correctly.

Do not forget to share it with your friends who are going to root their phones. Make them a visit here and they also will know the advantages and disadvantages of rooting their new Android device.

Thank You

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Have a Nice Day!

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